Government Affairs
The role of the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce is to maintain relationships with city, county, and state officials, while providing information and instruction to members on ordinance changes.
Legislative Day | December 15 | 10:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m | Register Today

The 2023 Legislative Day will be on Friday, December 15, 2023 in the Elk Ballroom at Hotel Windrow located at 502 N Main St. Ellensburg, WA. Registration now open!
For questions or more information please call the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce Event Coordinator Chelsea Cramer at 509-925-2002 or email:
2022 Legislative Session (Ended March 2022)
The 2022 Legislative Session is now over. If you have any other bills or issues you think the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce and its Government Affairs Committee should be aware of, please email our CEO Amy McGuffin or call (509) 925-2002.
If you would like the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce to support your organization through a support letter you can contact our CEO Amy McGuffin or call (509) 925-2002.
Kittitas County Voting Results
Jerald Pettit
Karen Bowen
Nicholas Henderson
Upper District Court Judge
Craig Juris